Cinema as a support for hypermedia learning

A teacher training proposal


  • Mariana Lopes Universidade de Aveiro



Access to online networks, which include various types of sources and formats - as well as the growing production of multimedia content - has resulted in an indiscriminate combination of information, opinion and entertainment. Practices of Media Literacy appear to be emerging in a social context marked by the strong influence of the World Wide Web, precisely because it undermines the common truth of societies. The use of audiovisual, especially of cinematographic type, is presented as an ally with several readings, among them, the understanding of transversal, cognitive and emotional matters, through the deconstruction of form. In this sense, a training proposal for teachers that explores online education and aims to contribute to cinema literacy by empowering teachers to integrate practices using films in the school context was developed, prototyped and evaluated.



How to Cite

Lopes, M. (2020). Cinema as a support for hypermedia learning: A teacher training proposal. PRATICA - Multimedia Research Journal on Pedagogical Innovation and E-Learning Practices, 3(1), 66–84.