Universidades chinesas; Tradução entre inglês e português; Ensino de português com língua estrangeira; Procedimentos tradutóriosAbstract
In the present work, we discuss a concrete case of teaching translation between English and Portuguese by a Chinese university (Zhejiang International Studies University, or ZISU) for undergraduate students of Portuguese major. Specifically, this work addresses the following aspects: (a). the teaching of Portuguese as a bachelor by Chinese universities and its evolution; (b). The teaching of Portuguese at ZISU, the traditional discipline of translation between Portuguese and Chinese, and the recent translation discipline between English and Portuguese at this university; (c). the implementation of this new translation course, created in March 2020, with its first edition lasting three months; (d). the difficulties encountered in implementing this translation course, such as the definition of the profiles of the students attending this course, the teaching hours, the selection of textbooks, and the modes of teaching and our possible suggestions.
We intend to discuss the problem of conducting a translation course between English and Portuguese for Chinese undergraduate students who major in Portuguese and formulate, at the same time, some recommendations to improve the teaching of translation between these two languages for the students whose mother tongue is not involved in the language pair of the translation lessons.
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