legal translation, legal terminology, court decisions, corpus analysis, text genreAbstract
The concept of textual genre refers to a group of texts with the same specific purpose that share several characteristics considering both form and content (Valderrey Reñones, 2006). In the field of legal translation, textual genre classification has been considered a key element in the translation process since it allows the translator to establish differences and similarities between the source and the target language and legal systems (Borja Albi, 2000). Despite that, few studies focus on the phraseological characterisation and comparison of legal texts from two different legal systems and even fewer consider combinations of more languages.
This paper focuses on a specific legal text genre, ‘court decisions’, in three different languages and legal systems (Spanish, English, and Romanian) aiming to a) provide an overview of the different types of decisions considering these three judicial systems, and b) propose relevant phraseology, terminology, and collocations from a collection of court decisions from the three countries involved. To do so, we used a multilingual comparable corpus of court decisions that underwent both a manual and an automatic analysis using corpus management software. Moreover, we also extracted the most representative terms and created terminological sheets based on conceptual information.
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