Os estudos culturais no ensino superior politécnico: Análise de uma experiência entre a investigação, o ensino e os negócios


  • Clara Sarmento Centro de Estudos Interculturais, ISCAP-P.PORTO




Cultural Studies, higher education, innovation, interdisciplinary, business, internationalization


Cultural studies have been understood, from the onset, as an interdisciplinary field of study, in which culture is understood in a broad and dynamic sense, with great symbolic depth. In line with these basic principles of cultural studies, we will analyze here an experience of research and teaching of cultural studies in the Portuguese polytechnic higher education system, more specifically the way in which cultural studies are conceptualized and taught in the master's degree in Intercultural Studies for Business, at the Porto Polytechnic University. This reflection will cover the institutional framework, curricular organization, research and teaching methods of this master's degree, followed by its specific approach to cultural studies and the contribution of this field for the creation of business practices that are knowledgeable, inclusive and aware of human and cultural diversity. The article concludes that the educational action of cultural studies guides business practices in the development of an integral strategic sense, capable of recognizing ignored resources within the complex global political-economic framework. This process replicates the diachronic evolution of cultural studies and its construction of a comprehensive and dynamic concept of culture. Because these resources include not only cultural objects – both material and immaterial – that have been ignored, excluded or subordinated, but also cultural subjects – human – also ignored, excluded or subordinated by power. Cultural studies put the “return of the excluded” into practice, in an action that will no longer be prescriptive or merely descriptive, but rather actively critical, analytical and political, by confronting and deconstructing  subalternation itself.

Author Biography

Clara Sarmento, Centro de Estudos Interculturais, ISCAP-P.PORTO

Professora coordenadora com Agregação, ISCAP-P.PORTO. Diretora do Centro de Estudos Interculturais e do Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business, ISCAP-P.PORTO. Agregada em Estudos Culturais, Universidade de Aveiro, Doutorada em Cultura Portuguesa, Universidade do Porto. Investigadora da COST action CA18126 “Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European City”. COST Action Independent External Expert. Conselheira Editorial em Antropologia e Guest-Editor, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. Guest-Editor, Anthropology and Ethnology Journal, Medwin Publishers. Membro fundador da Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais e da ECREA Women’s Network. Prémio Espaço T Interculturalidade 2022 – Educação


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How to Cite

Sarmento, C. (2023). Os estudos culturais no ensino superior politécnico: Análise de uma experiência entre a investigação, o ensino e os negócios. E-Journal of Intercultural Studies, (11). https://doi.org/10.34630/e-rei.vi11.5335


