Interethnic affections: russian and chinese women in Macao’s literature in portuguese




Feminine imagology in the East, Macao Literature in Portuguese, Foreigner, Otherness, Ethnicity


 Using a literary corpus which combines the works of two prominent authors associated to Macanese literature in Portuguese, Henrique de Senna Fernandes and Rodrigo Leal de Carvalho, this study underlines the literary staging of foreign women (Chinese and Russian) and problematizes: (i) the way in which different ethnic groups are portrayed; (ii) analyzes different interethnic love relationships and, particularly, possible conflicts and their resolution. On one hand, such exercise proves to be relevant in building up knowledge about the female universe in the Orient and, on the other hand, it contributes to the study of less promoted novels of these authors.

Author Biography

Pedro d’Alte, Universidade Politécnica de Macau

Pós-doutorando em Estudos Portugueses, na Universidade Aberta. O presente artigo resulta do projeto de investigação de pós-doutoramento, o qual se centra na representação da mulher nas literaturas de Macau e de Timor. Doutor em Estudos da Criança, na Universidade do Minho. Membro e investigador do Centro de Estudos Globais, grupo de investigação “Literaturas Globais e Hipermédia” da Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb).
Colabora, atualmente, com a Universidade Politécnica de Macau e com a Escola Portuguesa de Macau


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How to Cite

d’Alte, P. (2023). Interethnic affections: russian and chinese women in Macao’s literature in portuguese. E-Journal of Intercultural Studies, (11).


