O impacto do employer branding na retenção de talentos





Employer Branding, Internal Communication, VUCA Concept, Organizational Culture


Applying marketing strategies to employees within an organization might have seemed like an unreal conception before the nineties. However, the evolution of the job market and the growing appreciation of human capital led to the emergence of the Employer Brand notion. The concept of employer branding will be thoroughly examined, addressing its definition and delving deeply into some necessary tools for its implementation. The aim is to offer a clear and practical understanding of this emerging topic, thus aiming to strengthen the relationship between the company and its employees with a focus on improving organizational competitiveness in the current market.


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How to Cite

Martins, C. (2024). O impacto do employer branding na retenção de talentos. The Trends Hub, (4). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi4.5664


