Post-Truth Era: Challenges and Dangers in the Digital Age




Post-truth, Fake News, Desinformation, Business Communication


With the exponential increase in the spread of false information and manipulation of facts in contemporary society, business communication faces new and challenging obstacles when it comes to building and maintaining its image and reputation. This scenario is even more serious due to the so-called "post-truth era", characterized by the predominance of emotions, beliefs and personal perceptions to the detriment of factual truth.Post-truth exerts a significant impact on the way companies communicate with their publics and how these publics interpret the disclosed information. In view of this, it is essential that companies develop communication strategies that consider the dynamics of the post-truth era and that are capable of maintaining the trust and credibility of their audiences. of post-truth imposes on business communication and reflect on the strategies that companies can adopt to face this scenario.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, D. (2023). Post-Truth Era: Challenges and Dangers in the Digital Age. The Trends Hub, (3).