A liderança no género feminino





Inclusion, Equality, Equity, Leader, Flexibility, Work-life balance


We live in a society where women already occupy, seek and aspire to leadership positions and promote what we call gender equality.

The future leader will not be governed by the power of the position, but by the impact that her management will have on the people she leads. Let's not forget that organizations are not prepared for this change.  So, this is one of the main reasons why the current female leaders seek more regularly organizations available to welcome and promote flexibility, equal pay and benefits, inclusion and so many other issues that have long been a cause for struggle.

This article shows that we are heading towards a world of change, where women assume a role of differentiating leader and where the goal is to promote organizational well-being among people. Women seek a professional career based on new opportunities and assume that their superiors are primarily responsible for this professional growth, although they often do not feel protected, accompanied and driven by them.

A different world where leadership adapts to the current reality.


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Hunter, P. (2019). Remote working in research: An increasing usage of flexible work arrangements can improve productivity and creativity. EMBO Reports, 20(1), e47435.

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How to Cite

Sousa, C. (2023). A liderança no género feminino. The Trends Hub, (3). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi3.5064