Whoever tells a tale cultivates more than one point: strategies for exploring traditional tales in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education
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Oral Literary Heritage
Reader's development
Se Houvesse Limão

How to Cite

Carneiro, R. da S., Duarte, R. M., Alves, S. L., & Macedo, A. C. (2024). Whoever tells a tale cultivates more than one point: strategies for exploring traditional tales in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. Encontro Nacional De Educação Básica. https://doi.org/10.34630/eneb.vi.5971


The following article aims to analyse a tale from the Oral Literary Heritage and present pedagogical strategies focused on the literary reading and oriented to the teaching and learning of the Portuguese Language, aiming, more specifically, to the 4th year of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. Thus, the traditional tale Se Houvesse Limão was selected, which was rewritten by Alice Vieira and published
in 2008, in the collection Histórias Tradicionais Portuguesas.

Regarding specifically the analysis of literary texts with children, the teacher must have in-depth knowledge about the content of the work, providing more confidence and sustained practices, and it is necessary that the previous analysis of the diegesis summons theoretical assumptions of the field of knowledge of literature to contextualize the proposed exploration activities. In this sense, a brief contextualization of the author will be made and, then, a more in-depth analysis of the work, including the approach of the actancial scheme and the quinary structure related to it.
With the main purpose of enriching the interactions between the student and the text, the activities will also consider three distinct moments, namely activities prior to reading, during reading and after reading, summoning the contributions of Yopp & Yopp (2006), and the articulation of knowledge, namely from the areas of Portuguese, History, Motor and Musical Expressions and Gastronomy.

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