The Curriculum Guidelines for Pre-School Education (Lopes da Silva et al., 2016) underline, as a foundational principle, the imperative to respond to all children, recognizing the importance of building an inclusive environment that values diversity. The aim of this presentation is to present and reflect on actions developed as part of supervised educational practice (SEP) in pre-school education (EPE), with an emphasis on the promotion of story time as an activity that promotes inclusion and respect for diversity.
The SEP involved a heterogeneous group of children, aged between three and six, with diverse social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, attending an EPE setting that is part of the Educational Territories of Priority Intervention Program, as well as two students attending a Professional Master's Degree in Pre-School Education and their mentors. As part of the action-research process, the data was collected through observation, field notes in the logbook and photographic records, combined with continuous processes of reflection. The analysis of the results obtained led the students to verify the group's growing involvement and well-being at reading times, as well as a greater interest in exploring the library area and getting involved in writing activities. It is important to note that the children in the group with different nationalities also showed greater participation and motivation to experience reading moments, which until the adoption of inclusive strategies were not very enjoyable moments for them. These action-research processes created the conditions for a differentiated pedagogical practice focused on the needs of each child and the group, promoting equal opportunities and the professional and personal development of the trainees.
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