Intertextuality and Identity in the Literary Works of Boris Vian and Al Tayeb Salih
I Spit on Your Graves, Season of Migration to the North, Intertextuality, IdentityAbstract
This article discusses the winding road of intertextuality in the literary works I
Spit on Your Graves, by Boris Vian (published under the pseudonym of Vernon Sullivan) and Season of Migration to the North, by Al Tayeb Salih. Published twenty years apart in the midtwentieth century, both works use different contexts and references to address issues related to the construction of racial identity within colonial societies. The respective main characters express and embody the restlessness and anxiety of living between conflicting realities and identities. This research is based on an intertextual reading to unravel and compare the identity and racial matters in these two works of multicultural literature.
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