Plastic Expressions and Visual Communication Traveling - Intercultural Creative Drivers as a Reference


  • Maria Assunção Pestana Membro Externo do CIEC, Universidade do Minho
  • Estela R. Lamas Comissão de Aconselhamento Científico, CEI - ISCAP



Artistic residencies, exchanges, multicultural dynamics, plastic arts, travel, visual communication


In the global society we find nowadays a greater and easier mobility at all age levels regarding artistic production which result from multicultural and complex contexts, resulting from formal and non-formal contacts, travelling and exchanges which suggest and generate specific strategies in the current teaching-learning dynamics giving rise to contemporary artistic training and dissemination in the field of Visual Arts and Visual Communication. We find that travelling or exchanges of short or long durationdirectly or indirectly enhance artistic actions in local communities where artists are called to act. The hybrid artistic format spread fabulations assimilations and new appropriations of these places. This is the case of artistic residencies created integrating school universities and social communities. This research aims at highlighting the importance for basic education of the  production of hybrid images as a result product of inter and
multicultural artistic exchanges in different institutions and communities.

Author Biographies

Maria Assunção Pestana, Membro Externo do CIEC, Universidade do Minho

Artista plástica

Estela R. Lamas, Comissão de Aconselhamento Científico, CEI - ISCAP

Membro da Comissão de Aconselhamento Científico, CEI - ISCAP, Porto
Membro da Comissão Científica da APIE
Investigadora do Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade do Porto
Coordenadora do Mestrado em Pedagogia e Didática,
Universidade Metodista Unidade de Moçambique.



How to Cite

Pestana, M. A. ., & Lamas, E. R. . (2021). Plastic Expressions and Visual Communication Traveling - Intercultural Creative Drivers as a Reference. E-Journal of Intercultural Studies, (8).


