The impact of new technologies on the consumer experience




Take a test drive without leaving home? Try on clothes virtually? Make an appointment without talking to the doctor? Yes, nowadays all this is possible, and although it may seem unreal, this is our reality. We live in a constantly changing and increasingly digital world. The emergence of new technologies such as chatbots, virtual and augmented reality, among others, has transformed the organizational universe. Consumers are increasingly familiar with the use of technology, which makes them more demanding and raises their expectations of speed and innovation from companies. The key to success for organizations lies in prioritizing a holistic view of their environment and having the ability to adapt to constant market changes. This article will discuss how the emergence of new technologies has had a significant impact on the consumer experience.


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How to Cite

Félix Calafate, M. F. (2024). The impact of new technologies on the consumer experience. The Trends Hub, (4).


