A história da comunicação na moda
Communication, Marketing, Trends, Fashion, History, EvolutionAbstract
The article "History of Communication in Fashion" presents a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the fashion industry and its connection with communication throughout history. The text begins by exploring the origins of fashion, from the earliest evidence of clothing in the Stone Age and other ancient civilizations, where fashion served not only as protection but also as a symbol of status and identity. The real transformation in the fashion industry occurred during the Industrial Revolution, with the popularization and invention of machines that enabled mass production of clothing, making it accessible to the middle and lower classes. From the 20th century onwards, with the advent of fashion magazines like Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, communication in fashion gained new momentum, establishing trends, and influencing what people wore. With the advancement of globalization and digital technology, fashion became faster and more accessible, resulting in the phenomenon of fast fashion. The article concludes by highlighting the importance of environmental and ethical awareness in contemporary fashion and the crucial role of digital media in promoting sustainable trends.
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