Leading in the Feminine - The Challenges of Being a Woman in a Man's World





Leadership, Feminism, Gender equality, Challenges, Achievements, Stereotypes


The rise of women to leadership positions is still largely a taboo subject. The disparity between active women and business leaders reflects challenges such as limiting social expectations and lack of supportive policies. Balancing work and family is a major challenge, with family responsibilities still predominantly falling on women. Nevertheless, the fight for equality and career advancement continues steadfastly, and thanks to it, more and more women are seen in leadership roles. Having a female leader brings a unique approach to the organization, promoting an inclusive environment and better organizational outcomes. Female leadership does not replace, but complements male leadership, and it is crucial to recognize and value different perspectives and capabilities to build more innovative and equitable organizations.

Keywords: Leadership, Feminism, Gender equality, Challenges, Achievements, Stereotypes.


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How to Cite

Tiago da Silva, I. F. (2024). Leading in the Feminine - The Challenges of Being a Woman in a Man’s World. The Trends Hub, (4). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi4.5687


