O O impacto da cultura woke na cultura POP





Keywords: Culture, woke, pop, diversity, representation, social .


A research paper on the effects of social justice warriors on our society discusses the influence of the "woke" culture on pop culture. The "woke" culture has had a big impact on pop culture, influencing films, TV series, music, books, fashion, and other entertainment mediums. Having a "woke" perspective on social and political issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, and economic inequality is referred to as being "woke." The paper investigates the word's etymology and the extent of its social impact. The "woke" culture's influence on pop culture can be seen in the increased variety of representation, sensitive methods, devotion to reality, and identity-related sensitivity. To demonstrate how this cultural shift has led to more accurate and complex representations of underrepresented groups in literature, television, and film. Examples of these groups include women, the LGBTQ+ community, and people of color.


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How to Cite

Laranjeira, G. (2023). O O impacto da cultura woke na cultura POP . The Trends Hub, (3). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi3.5120