Technology and Humanization of Brands: Exploring the Theory of Archetypes in the Digital Age




Brand, Humanization, Digital, Technology, Theory of the archetypes


In the current post-pandemic phase, with the exponential growth of digital and the evolution of technology, how can brands be humanized? The theory of archetypes can enhance the creation of a strong, differentiated brand, exponentially increasing consumer loyalty. Despite technology and digital aiding in the collection and analysis of data, human wisdom remains essential for making significant and creative decisions. Clearly, the symbiosis between technology and digital, with the assistance of the theory of archetypes, can create innovative and impactful solutions in the course of brands.


Pearson, C. S., & Mark, M. M. (2001). O Herói e o Fora da Lei: Construindo Marcas de Sucesso Através do Poder dos Arquétipos.

Jung, C. G. (2011). Os Arquétipos e o Inconsciente Coletivo (27ª ed.). Vozes. (Obra original publicada em 1954)

Kotler, P. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving from traditional to digital. John Wiley & Sons.

Kotler, P. (2019). Marketing 5.0: Technology for humanity. John Wiley & Sons.



How to Cite

Santos Soares, S. (2023). Technology and Humanization of Brands: Exploring the Theory of Archetypes in the Digital Age. The Trends Hub, (3).