O Impacto da Cultura Woke na Sociedade Contemporânea





Woke, cancellation, social media, freedom, censorship, minorities.


The woke culture is the new progressive movement that has emerged as a revolution in favour of human rights and the defence of minorities. To what extent this need to have an extremist position on the most varied subjects does not become an obstacle to the creativity and originality of people and organisations?

In this article I will speak about the impact of the woke movement in society, I will analyse the positive and negative points of this culture, referring to the opinions of authors and opinion articles written for the most diverse media. Throughout the article I will leave explicit my opinion about the facts. Finally, I will end with a general conclusion about the subject.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, D. (2023). O Impacto da Cultura Woke na Sociedade Contemporânea. The Trends Hub, (3). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi3.5027