Abordagem Colaborativa como Ferramenta para o Sucesso no Trabalho em Equipa





Teamwork, Collaborative Approach, Motivation, Leadership, Career Development


Teamwork is a natural part of today's professional market. However, the approach that companies have in relation to the functioning of their teams vary from a more individualistic approach, in which employees focus only on their tasks; to a more cooperative one, in which mutual help is more valued. In this article, I defend that an individualistic approach has several limitations, such as career stagnation, misalignment with the company's objectives, reduced productivity, a negative work environment and a lack of a sense of belonging. Leadership emerges as a solution for a transition to a more collaborative approach.


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How to Cite

Moreira, I. (2022). Abordagem Colaborativa como Ferramenta para o Sucesso no Trabalho em Equipa. The Trends Hub, (2). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi2.4685


