"Cancel Culture": what is it and how can Brands prepare for this phenomenon?





Cancel Culture, Brand, Social Media, Digital


The "Cancel Culture" emerges as one of the new paradigms of the digital environment whose consequences are felt in the real world. Taking advantage of the impetus and reach of Social Networks, the "Cancel Culture" has shaken the pedestals created by social positions, giving an active voice to users. On the other hand, it is seen by some as a restriction of freedom of expression and even as something dangerous. In this article I try to clarify this concept, how it can affect brands and how they can prepare and act in case they are "cancelled".


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How to Cite

Amorim, D. (2022). "Cancel Culture": what is it and how can Brands prepare for this phenomenon?. The Trends Hub, (2). https://doi.org/10.34630/tth.vi2.4649


