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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and does not contain plagiarism from sources not identified in the document.
  • The texts are written in Portuguese from Portugal and have been rigorously revised.
  • The file for submission is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or equivalent format.
  • The author is correctly identified in the article, by name, email, affiliation and ORCID.
  • The template provided for the article (Template article PARC) was used and its content is formatted according to the guidelines.
  • Citations and references follow APA standard 7th edition.
  • Where available, URLs or DOI were provided for the references.
  • The file name contains the student no., name and title of the article, following the format: 0000000_NameSurname_Title.
  • No campo Comentários ao Editor (abaixo), o autor indica os nomes, afiliações e endereços de email dos peritos que convidou para reverem o seu artigo.
    Formato: Nome Apelido (cargo, empresa/organização) - email
    Ex.: Ana Costa (Gestora de Comunicação, ENDESA) -

Author Guidelines

Esta revista aceita submissões apenas de estudantes da Licenciatura em Comunicação Empresarial do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto.

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