The central place recognized today to the arts in the education of citizens constitutes a challenge for initial and ongoing training in Universities of Education, that are called to contribute to the development of a new profile of education professionals more aware of the role of the arts, and particularly of drama and theater, in children and young people’s education.
This study investigates the impact of Drama/Theatre training on the training of 1st year students of Basic Education Degree (LEB), at High School of Education, Polytechnic University of Porto. It combines quantitative and qualitative methods, theoretical research and observation of practices, the students being co-investigators, bringing their experience of participating in Drama/Theatre classes. The basis of the study are the students' diaries, the questionnaires administered to LEB students and the texts they produced about their motivations and expectations as future teachers or educators.
The conclusions of the study identify specific Drama and Theater strategies (active participation, quality presence and individual and collective creation) that contribute to students' personal development and recognition of the relevance of this area in the development of a professional identity more aligned with a new school as a rehearsal for reality.
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