The work entitled “The Construction of the Bridge between Curricular Practices and the Development of Socio-emotional Skills”, aims to document a set of educational experiences developed with a third-year class of the Primary 1st cycle of Basic Education (CEB). Socio-emotional and academic skills develop continuously and are deeply interconnected. Both develop daily as social challenges and teaching opportunities arise (Jones & Bouffard, 2012). Based on this premise and starting from some needs observed in the group, this intervention was designed with broad objectives that ranged from the stimulation of communication skills, self-regulation skills, respect for others, conflict management and resolution, and the development of curricular skills. The educational team was composed of the school psychologist and the class teacher, who designed several dynamics and strategies, depending on the evolution of the group needs and responses (surveyed through records of conflicts in free time, concerns discussed in the class assembly, and pedagogical team meetings). These dynamics included the exploration of stories such as the book “Gosto de ti (Quase Sempre)” by Anna Llenas, which became a central element but also opened doors for the mobilization of a vast number of resources inspired by other books or projects, according to with the pedagogical and didactic intention of the route outlined. With the group's day-to-day demands as its motto, this journey incorporated the articulation of different areas of knowledge such as Portuguese, Mathematics, Visual Arts, Philosophy with Children, and Dramatic Expression/theatre. Among the effects observed, the ability to resolve conflicts between children without recurring to the classroom teacher, the evolution of the topics covered in the class assembly, the attitudes observed in problem-solving, and the mobilization of the skills worked on stand out. Likewise, a wide range of samples of curricular work and the evolution of students' skills are analyzed.
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