Cultural representations in foreign language education: a study on chinese learners of portuguese




representações culturais, interculturalidade, programa de mobilidade, aprendentes chineses, Português como Língua Estrangeira (PLE)


O estudo de uma língua estrangeira está fortemente associado à aprendizagem da(s) cultura(s)-alvo, ao desenvolvimento de representações das realidades da língua estrangeira e à aquisição da interculturalidade. Um estudo-piloto realizado ao longo de uma licenciatura de 4 anos em Português como língua estrangeira teve como objetivo compreender as representações culturais da realidade lusófona por estudantes chineses e como elas evoluíram. Os resultados mostram que: as representações da cultura estrangeira apenas mudam ligeiramente ao longo dos 4 anos; o destino dos programas de mobilidade influencia muito as representações do país de acolhimento; a passividade dos alunos provoca representações, acerca das culturas-alvo, dos países e dos seus habitantes, que são superficiais e apenas baseadas nas aprendizagens escolares. Estes resultados têm várias implicações pedagógicas na preparação dos programas de mobilidade e na abordagem intercultural na sala de aula.

Biografias Autor

Adelina Castelo, Laboratório de Educação a Distância e E-Learning, Universidade Aberta

Holds a PhD in Educational Linguistics (2012),  a MA in Portuguese Linguistics (2004) and a BA in Portuguese and French Studies (1999), from the University of Lisbon. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Humanities Department of  Universidade Aberta, a contributing member of LE@D (Laboratório de Educação a Distância e E[1]Learning) collaborating in its group El@n (Ensino de Línguas Online) and a full member of CLUL  (Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa). Previously, she worked as a Lecturer and a  Visiting Associate Professor at Viseu Polytechnic Institute (Portugal), and as an Associate  Professor at Macao Polytechnic Institute (now Macao Polytechnic University). Her research and  teaching areas cover Linguistics and Portuguese teaching, especially in the fields of orality and  pronunciation. Adelina has also granted training to teachers of Portuguese, and published several  scientific works, as well as teaching materials.

Lola Geraldes Xavier, Macao Polytechnic University & Coimbra Polytechnic Institute

Lola Geraldes Xavier (ORCID 0000-0003-0568-958) has a postdoctoral degree from the University of Coimbra. She holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), as well as a MA in Portuguese Literature, a Post-Graduation in African and Diaspora Literatures and Cultures and a BA in Modern Languages and Literatures, from the University of Coimbra.
Currently, she is a Professor at the Macao Polytechnic University, a full member of the Research
Centre for Portuguese Literature (University of Coimbra) and a contributing member of the Centre for Languages and Cultures (University of Aveiro). Lola has authored and co-edited books, published articles in international scientific journals and presented more than one hundred papers at international conferences in the domains of Portuguese Language, Cultures and Literatures as well as Portuguese as a Foreign Language Teaching

Cláudia Figueiredo Rouxinol, Portuguese School of Macao

Cláudia Figueiredo Rouxinol (ORCID 0000-0002-8176-1877) holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Évora (Portugal), a Post-Graduation in Social Management from the University of Évora, and a Post-Graduation in Education from the University of Saint Joseph (Macau – People’s Republic of China). She has embraced a teaching career in Macau since 2014, with a focus on the English language taught to primary students. Cláudia is a teacher at the Macau Portuguese School since 2021


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Como Citar

Castelo, A., Xavier, L. G., & Rouxinol, C. F. (2023). Cultural representations in foreign language education: a study on chinese learners of portuguese. E- Revista De Estudos Interculturais , (11).


