Enhancing accreditation through Alumni management sharing experiences


  • Paloma Martinez Hague Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, School of Management, Alumni Management Office
  • Jimena Torres Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, School of Management, Alumni Management Office



Palabras clave:

Alumni Management, Alumni Engagement, Professional Development, Networking, Higher Education


This presentation explores the role of alumni management in strengthening institutional accreditation processes, particularly within the School of Management at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). The key focus is on the importance of engaging alumni to improve the quality management system, internationalization efforts, and teaching exchange.

The School began its accreditation journey in 2016 by joining the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). By 2018, the Alumni Management Office (AMO) was established to systematically engage graduates, support their professional development, and enhance the university's management community. The AMO took steps like creating databases, conducting surveys, and utilizing LinkedIn for alumni engagement.

Key alumni services include workshops, networking opportunities, job placement assistance, and participation in curriculum feedback. These efforts have contributed to alumni satisfaction, with high percentages of graduates working in relevant fields and receiving positive feedback from employers.




Cómo citar

Martinez Hague, P., & Torres, J. (2024). Enhancing accreditation through Alumni management sharing experiences. ICAReAlumni Conference Proceedings, (6). https://doi.org/10.34630/icar.vi6.5899