A General Overview on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles


  • Pedro Miguel Azevedo de Sousa Melo Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto




The economical and environment impacts of fossil energies increased the interest for hybrid, battery and fuel-cell electric vehicles. Several demanding engineering challenges must be faced, motivated by different physical domains integration. This paper aims to present an overview on hybrid (HEV) and electric vehicles (EV) basic structures and features. In addition, it will try to point out some of the most relevant challenges to overcome for HEV and EV may be a solid option for the mobility issue. New developments in energy storage devices and energy management systems (EMS) are crucial to achieve this goal.

Biografia Autor

Pedro Miguel Azevedo de Sousa Melo, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto

Mestre em Automação, Instrumentação e Controlo pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
Aluno do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
Docente do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto desde 2001.
Desenvolveu atividade de projetista de instalações elétricas de BT na DHV‐TECNOPOR.




Como Citar

Melo, P. M. A. de S. (2013). A General Overview on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. Neutro à Terra, (11). https://doi.org/10.26537/neutroaterra.v0i11.477